Title: Kidnapped! (1/1) Author: L. M. Shard E-Mail Address: lsshard@home.com Rating: PG Category: S, R, A Spoilers: none Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance Feedback: Yes, please! Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Chris Carter and Fox. No money is being made from this story, it is purely for entertainment purposes. Summary: Mulder and Scully are locked up in a medieval-like chamber and tortured by their captor, a man they both know well. KIDNAPPED! By: L. M. Shard Special Agents Mulder and Scully were following a lead in their latest case as they drove up to the old, abandoned warehouse. They went in together, guns drawn and looked around. Nothing. Mulder opened a door marked "Personnel" and entered with Scully right behind him. They heard a faint hissing noise then everything went black. Hours later Mulder awoke to a splitting headache. Dazed he looked around at his surroundings from his supine position on the ground. The ceiling and walls were made out of crude pieces of stone and covered with scattered colonies of moss. There were no windows, but one naked light bulb illuminated the chamber. The air was cold and damp and smelled of mildew and time. Pounded into the middle of the far wall were medieval-like shackles and chains. What was this place? Mulder had no recollection of where he was or how he got here. Suddenly panic gripped him. Scully! Where was Scully? He did remember being with her before everything became black. He sat up, the action causing his head to throb in pain. He scanned the room and saw a motionless figure lying a few yards away. He crawled over to it. "Scully," he said, turning her face toward him. It felt cold to the touch. She did not respond and again he said, "Scully!" He shook her gently. "Wake up!" A growing fear mounted in him and he checked her pulse. After endless seconds he found one, although very weak. He put his cheek close to her nose and mouth and could feel her slight, shallow breath. At least she was breathing! Suddenly she stirred and her eyes fluttered open. "So cold," she said faintly and closed her eyes again. Mulder gathered her into his arms and pressed her close to his chest. He rubbed her arms and legs, forcing some warmth and circulation into them. "Wake up Scully and tell me how you feel," he said, worry lacing his words. Her eyes opened again and stared into Mulder's. They looked foggy and disoriented, and although the bare light bulb shone into them, her pupils were dilated. "I feel dizzy and my head aches," she said softly. "What happened, Mulder? Where are we?" "I'm not quite sure. We seem to be in some sort of dungeon. I don't know how we got here, but I think we were drugged." "Drugged? Who would do that and why?" She asked, trying to keep the fear out of her voice. "I don't know. Let me check this place out and see if I can find an exit." He gently untwined his limbs from hers and stood up. "I'll look too," she said getting up until a sharp pain in her head caused her to fall to the ground again. Mulder was at her side immediately. "Scully, you have to take it easy. The drugs are still in your system." Reluctantly, she remained seated and cradled her aching head in her hands. Mulder looked the whole chamber over and the only exit was a door in the far corner. He pushed and pulled on it, but it didn't budge. Then he started yelling and pounding his fist against it, demanding to see their captor. In response he got nothing but utter silence. He was getting very worried. Who brought them here and why? He was also concerned about Scully. When he first saw her, he thought she was near death: her breathing was so shallow and her skin so pale. She still seemed weak and the cold, damp chamber didn't help. How long would it be before they got out of here? They were going to need food, especially Scully. He searched his pockets and found a half-empty bag of sunflower seeds and a roll of Lifesavers. Trying to hide the worry from his face, he walked back to her and seated himself besides her. "We can't get out, can we?" She said, already knowing the answer. "No. Not until someone opens that door. But then we'll be ready." He checked his gun holster: it was empty. "Do you have your gun?" He asked, not much hope in his question. She fumbled under her suit jacket, "No. It's gone." "I want you to eat these," he said, handing her the bag of sunflower seeds. "They'll help you get some of your strength back." She took them and hungrily started eating. "I guess we're lucky you always have these with you," she said with a little smile. "Yeah, and I also brought these," he said, handing her the roll of Lifesavers. "Ooh! A gourmet dinner! You thought of everything, Mulder!" He smiled. He was happy to see that she could make a joke out of their bad situation. He prayed it wouldn't get much worse, but he feared this was only the beginning. Scully was worried too. She knew Mulder was trying to hide his apprehension from her, but she felt it herself. A feeling of impending evil permeated her mind and she tried unsuccessfully to block it out. "Here, you eat some too, Mulder," she offered. "I'm not hungry," he lied. He knew she needed what little nourishment they provided more than he did. Suddenly the light went out and the chamber turned pitch black. Mulder put his arms protectively around Scully and they sat in silence, listening, waiting for whatever may come. After about an hour of nothing, they moved to a nearby wall and leaned against it. The cold was starting to seep into Mulder's bones and he knew Scully must be cold as well. He reached out blindly for her hand and noticed it was beyond cold, it was icy. "Come sit on my lap, Scully," he offered, hoping she would without a fight. He had to warm her up as well as himself if they were going to survive this cold. Although what she wanted most at this moment was to feel some heat, heat from Mulder being especially tempting, she heard herself say, "Mulder, you know that's against protocol. We're still FBI agents." "We're going to be frozen FBI agents, if you don't get over here," he said a bit more firmly than he intended. Then added more softly, "Please, Scully, do it for me. I'm freezing too." She crawled into his lap without another word and he wrapped his arms around her. Her tiny form was cradled perfectly in his strong arms, Mulder not letting any part of her touch the stone-cold floor. Slowly the cold faded from their bodies and was replaced by warmth. Scully's head lay against his chest and she could hear his steady heartbeat and feel his light breath on her hair. She felt safe in his embrace, even in the face of evil. How was it that just being with this man was so comforting to her? She trusted him, she could always count on him, but more than that, she loved him. Yes, she loved him, a fact she hadn't admitted to herself for years. She had tried to label her profound feelings towards him as something else, like friendship or even just lust, but she knew in her heart it was love, pure and simple. Admitting this to herself was one thing, admitting it to Mulder, now that was entirely another. What it all boiled down to was that she was too scared to tell him her feelings, and for many reasons. The most important one being that she didn't know if he felt the same way, and if he didn't, she sure didn't want to lose his friendship over it. But it was times like this, when they were in danger that she really wanted to tell him, lest she never get the chance to again. She buried her face closer into his chest and he tightened his arms around her. "Go to sleep, Scully. I'll stay up and watch over us," Mulder whispered, breaking her reverie. "You must be so tired too. We'll take shifts. Wake me in two hours," she instructed. "Alright," he said, although he knew he wouldn't wake her. She needed the rest. He wanted her to be physically strong for whatever lay ahead for them. Within minutes her breathing became steady and soft, her body relaxing into slumber. Although he never would have wished for a situation like this, he cherished the feel of her in his arms. It was a rare occasion that he got to hold her, let alone like this. It felt so good, so comforting, so right, even though his mind was wracked by fear of what was to come. He let himself imagine that they were sitting like this on a white sand beach, not this damp, dark dungeon, with waves crashing on the shore and seagulls flying overhead. He imagined looking into her eyes and telling her that he loved her and she telling him the same in return. He imagined, as he had a thousand times before, kissing her, feeling her soft lips and tasting her sweet tongue. His daydreams were causing his body to respond and he chastised himself for letting himself think of her in this way at a time like this. He was relieved that she was sleeping, lest she would have surely felt his firm manhood. He held her like that for what seemed like hours. Exactly how much time had elapsed was beyond him, since the lack of light was so complete. Suddenly she murmured in her sleep, "Mulder?don't leave me?." "Shh, I'm here, Scully. I'll never leave you." He stroked her silky hair and pressed her closer to his heart. Still half asleep, she responded to his words by lifting her face and whispering, "You're here." "Yes, I'm here," he whispered back soothingly. Since she couldn't see a thing, she had to reassure herself that she was indeed in Mulder's arms. She brushed her fingers gently around his face, touching his cheeks, chin, nose, and hesitating on his lips. Surprisingly, she was not in the least inhibited in doing this, in fact she was slowly moving her own lips closer to his when a scraping noise coming from the direction of the door filled the chamber. Instantly they were both on their feet, yet still in utter darkness. They didn't move a muscle and strained to hear even the slightest sound. There was nothing more to be heard. Without warning the light turned on. After his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, Mulder walked over to the door and looked at the cause of the noise. Someone had slid a tray of food through the tiny door on the bottom of the main door. Scully joined him and they both stared at the loaf of bread, two apples, and water before them. "Looks like our captor is feeding us afterall," Mulder said. "Thank God!" Scully said, picking up an apple. She was about to bite into it when Mulder grabbed her wrist, stopping the fruit from reaching her lips. "Wait, it might be drugged." "So we can't eat this," Scully stated, disappointed. She knew Mulder was right in being so cautious, but she was ravenous. "We're going to have to eat, so I have an idea," Mulder said. I'll eat a little bit of each item and wait and see if there is some kind of effect on me. If it's alright then you can eat the rest." "Why are you being the sacrificial lamb? I can just as well do the same," Scully said in a firm tone. "Because you are smaller than I and if there are drugs in here, the effect on you would be greater than on me." As much as she didn't want to admit that he was right, she said, "Alright. You test the food." She hesitated for a moment then added, "Thanks." He smiled at her then tested each piece of nourishment, waited for what seemed to be a reasonable amount of time, and since he felt no different than before ingesting the food, invited her to eat the rest with him. She dug in right away, already salivating in anticipation. Although the bread was quite dry and the apples mealy, they enjoyed the fare as if a five-star restaurant had prepared it. After the spartan meal was consumed, Scully said, "Now it's your turn for some sleep, Mulder." She sat with her back against a wall and patted her lap. "You want me to sit in your lap, Scully?" He asked with a big grin. "Yeah, and crush my every bone. How about just laying your head here." "Gladly," he said without hesitation, and did just that. Her lap was warm and soft and he felt aroused by this uncustomary position. She began stroking his hair and even though they were in what could be called literal hell, his body was in heaven. All it took was her slightest touch to turn him into a hormone-riddled teenager. Lately his attraction toward her was becoming increasingly harder to control and he was scared that by just looking into his eyes she would see his great desire. He desperately wanted to tell her how he felt, but he never thought himself worthy of her love. She could do and deserved much better than him. Yet again, here she was in a dangerous situation because of him. He and his all-consuming X- files. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do right now to save them. After mentally beating himself up some more, he drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Time passed and Mulder slept, at one point turning around and burying his face into Scully's stomach. Had he been awake, Scully would have had to chastise him for this unprofessional behavior, but since he wasn't she could secretly enjoy it. All of a sudden the door flew open, startling Scully and waking Mulder up from his slumber. They stared at the man who stood in the doorway. "Krycek." Mulder spat out his name as if it were poison. "I see you two are getting quite cozy with each other. What would Skinner think about that?" Krycek said with a self-satisfying smirk. In a flash Mulder leapt to his feet and barreled towards Krycek, his eyes filled with anger. "Not so fast, Mulder," Krycek said, pulling out a gun and pointing it straight at him. Mulder stopped abruptly and said," How dare you drug us, bring us here, and lock us up. Do you know that you could have killed Scully with those drugs?! You overdosed her, you bastard!" "Overdosing her was not my intention. I need you both alive, at least for now," he replied. Scully was now standing by Mulder's side. "What do you want from us?" She asked, afraid to hear the answer. He looked her over with a desirous glint in his eyes before he answered. "All you need to know is that you'll be here until someone who gives a shit about you gives me what I want. I'm hoping it will be today." "What exactly do you want?" Mulder asked. "That's nothing you need to know," he said to Mulder, then turned his attention back to Scully. "I must say, Scully, even in these less than first class conditions, you are looking quite fine." She said nothing at his words, but stared at him with deep loathing in her eyes. Mulder, too, kept his anger and animosity in check, as not to provoke him. He knew they were treading into extremely dangerous territory. "Mulder, see those shackles over there," Krycek pointed to them, "walk over to them and put your legs and arms in them." At Mulder's hesitancy, he ordered sternly, "Do it now!" At gun point Mulder and Scully were lead to the wall with the shackles. Seeing no other choice, Mulder put his limbs into the cuffs and on order Scully clasp all four of them. Krycek checked to see if they were on tight, keeping his gun pointed at Scully at all times. Mulder's fear for Scully's safety was mounting quickly. "Come here," Krycek ordered Scully. She took one step closer to him and stopped, seeing the crazed desire in his eyes. "Come here," he repeated more firmly, pointing to the ground next to his feet. She reluctantly obliged. As soon as she was in reach, Krycek grabbed her and pressed her to him with an iron grip. He started nuzzling and kissing her neck. She struggled against him, her skin crawling with disgust. "Let go of her, you bastard!" Mulder cried, helplessly. He struggled futilely with the chains that bound him. Blood was running down his arms in his efforts to free himself. But he felt no pain, just hatred and rage toward Krycek and desperation for the situation. Scully was being violated right in front of him and there was nothing he could do. This was hell at its hottest. "Let her go!" "Stop, Krycek," Scully pleaded. "Please stop!" He grinned and held her even closer, forcing his mouth upon hers. She resisted, but she was no match for his strength and the gun. He kissed her brutally and pried her mouth open with his, filling it with his tongue. With the hand that was not holding the gun to her side, he roamed her body harshly and freely, feeling every curve. She recoiled at his touch and her mind screamed out in agony. "No! No! Stop!" she cried between rough kisses. But he ignored her pleas and tore open the front of her blouse, exposing the tops of her breast cupped in a white satin bra. "Stop it, Krycek! Let her go!" Mulder cried in desperation. He had never been so scared in his life. Ignoring Mulder, Krycek put her at arms length to get a better view of this sight. He could see Mulder struggling fruitlessly with his chains. "She's beautiful and tastes great, Mulder. Or do you know that first hand?" Mulder glared at him in rage. Krycek smiled and suddenly got a delicious idea. "Do you like this, Scully?" He asked, kissing her again. "No! You repulse me!" She spat out the words, thick with hate. "Well, I'm feeling generous right now, so I'll give you a choice. It's either Mulder or me. One of us is going to have you right now. It's your choice." She stared at him in horror. "Choose woman!" He demanded, "or I'll choose for you!" Her mind raced. She loved Mulder and would welcome his kisses and touch, but not like this! Not like this! But if she "chose" Krycek she would face the ultimate horror. "Mulder?" she said barely above a whisper. "Louder, I can't hear you," he demanded. "Mulder," she repeated, tears welling in her eyes. "Mulder. Fine. I must say I am disappointed in your decision, but I'll let you have your wish." He kissed her one last time and shoved a key in her hands. "Open his shackles." She did as she was told, all the while Krycek had his gun pointed at the two of them. Finally Mulder was freed and Scully looked into his eyes. They reflected her own: horror-stricken and wild with fear. He embraced her and she clung to him, praying Krycek wouldn't make them go through this. "Alright, lovebirds, show me your stuff and make it good, or else I will show you how it's done properly," Krycek ordered with glee in his voice. "This was going to be fun!" he thought to himself, smiling. Mulder and Scully stared into each other's eyes, both trembling in fear. "I'm sorry," Mulder whispered, his voice laden with pain. "It's not your fault," she said. "Get on with it!" Krycek commanded, becoming increasingly impatient. Slowly they kissed, tender and bittersweet. What should have been a most special, private moment, was really just a show for a madman. Their first kiss was something to forget and bury out of reach, not treasure and remember lovingly as it should have been. Tears streamed down both their faces as they continued their gentle kisses. Krycek's impatience was mounting, "Come on lovebirds! Show some passion, put some force into it." He put his gun to Mulder's head, emphasizing his command. They intensified and deepened their kissing, tasting each other's tongues. They were kissing for their lives. "Strip," he ordered. They looked at him in horror, paralyzed in each other's embrace. "Strip, now!" Krycek repeated, cocking the gun. Reluctantly, they slowly started removing their clothes. "Faster!" he demanded. They did so and soon both stood stark naked in front of him. Krycek hungrily gazed at Scully's perfect body, knowing he would have her as well. He just loved torturing them like this. "Continue!" They embraced again, feeling flesh on flesh for the very first time and resumed their kissing. The mere contact of Scully's skin on his made Mulder's groin tighten. He hated himself and his body for responding like this in such a horrible situation. But his mind knew it was Scully in his arms and his body responded to his love and attraction for her on its own. Scully too chastised herself for being turned on to Mulder's obvious arousal. A gush of warmth pooled between her legs. But they knew what step would be demanded of them next and they dreaded it with all their heart. It shouldn't be like this. Never, ever like this. Their tears continued to flow and mingled with each other. Suddenly a cell phone rang startling Mulder and Scully from their agony. Krycek answered, "Yes." Silence, then, "I'll be right there." He clicked off the phone, headed for the door, and said, "You're off the hook for now, but I'll be back and we will continue our fun." He locked the heavy door on his way out. Relieved but still in shock about what they were being forced to do, Scully and Mulder clung to each other tightly. Then Scully's whole body began shaking with great sobs, tears spilling down her face like a waterfall. "Oh, Scully, my sweet Scully. I'm so sorry. You know I would never intentionally hurt you," Mulder said lovingly, wiping the tears from her face. "I know, I know. I would never hurt you either. You are the one man I trust completely. I never wanted it to be like this," she said, her tears abating a bit. "Me either," he replied, taking her face tenderly into his hands and looking directly into her tear-filled blue eyes. "I love you." "I love you too," she said. Their lips met again, but this time of their own free will and the result was explosive. Their kiss was deep, intimate, and personal, everything a first kiss should be. And that was what they both individually decided in their minds that this would be: their first kiss, not anything that preceded it. The kiss was utterly passionate and all the love that they had for each other flowed into it. After a long while their lips, flushed with heat, parted. Mulder looked into her eyes again and said, "We're going to get out of here. I have a plan, but it's risky." "It's worth the risk," she said immediately. "Staying here would be hell on earth. I would rather die then have Krycek touch me again." He agreed and proceeded to tell her his plan. Then they got dressed, Mulder giving Scully his shirt to wear since hers was so badly torn. They walked over to and stood next to the door. Mulder took her into his arms again and held her tightly, never wanting to let go. He knew this was the time, maybe the only time they had left, to say what was in his heart. "Scully?Dana," he began softly. The sound of her first name coming from his lips touched her deeply and she looked up at him. "I just want you to know, in case I don't ever get the chance to say this to you later, that these past five and a half years of knowing, being, and working with you have been the best of my life. You have given me strength, friendship, loyalty, and your complete trust, something no one else has ever really given me. You are my sanity. You are my purpose. You are my life. You are all I need, all I want. And if we ever get out of this hellhole alive, I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you?if you let me." The feelings that he had suppressed for so long were finally poured out and in the open. It surprised him how easy it was to actually verbalize them, something he had been so afraid to do. Scully stood speechless in front of him, trying to absorb what he had just said. Was she hallucinating? Or did she really just hear from Mulder the words she had wanted to hear for as long as she could remember? The look of intense love in his eyes gave her the answer and she said, "Mulder, how long I have waited to hear you tell me your heart. I have been yours from the moment I laid eyes on you. I love you more than any words could ever say." And if to show him just how much, she pulled his lips down onto hers in a fiery, soul- bearing kiss. She devoured his mouth, claiming him as hers, and opened herself, her being, to him completely. All emotions that could not be formed into words were said with that kiss. It took his breath away and he responded in kind, giving her everything he had, freeing himself in his utter vulnerability. The love that passed between them was so profound it was almost tangible. The sound of footsteps interrupted their most sacred moment and they quickly took their places. Mulder stood behind the door and Scully in front of it so Krycek would see her immediately upon entering. She lifted her skirt so that it just covered her panties, exposing most of her creamy white thighs. Krycek walked in and gazed at the unexpected but delightful sight before him. "I've been waiting for you," she said in the most seductive voice she could muster. Mulder took advantage of Krycek's momentary distraction and pounced on him from behind, slamming him hard into the ground. The impact forced the gun from his hand and Scully wasted no time in grabbing it. "Freeze!" She commanded, pointing the weapon at Krycek. He obeyed instantly. Mulder roughly pulled him to his feet by his collar and shoved him to the wall with the shackles. "Put them on, you scum!" Mulder ordered, loathing in his voice. Krycek hesitated and Mulder's anger flared. He propelled him up against the wall and punched him in the face several times. Blood ran down Krycek's chin as a result. Mulder forced his limbs into the cuffs of the shackles and clasp them tightly shut. He searched his captor's pockets for the keys and took them. "You're not going to leave me here!" Krycek exclaimed in panic. "You can rot here until you die for all I care, you stinking bastard," Mulder yelled with venom in his voice. "Never, never will you lay a hand on Scully again! I could kill you with my bare hands for doing so!" He punched him some more and Krycek's body went limp with pain and exhaustion, but he didn't stop. "Mulder! Stop! He's not worth it!" Scully pleaded, fearing Mulder would actually kill him. "We better go!" Mulder gave him one last punch to the stomach, then turned to Scully, "Let's get out of here." "There's just one thing I want to do," she said, walking over to Krycek. She slapped him hard across his already bloodied face. "You disgust me," she said and punctuated her words by spitting on his face. She then turned on her heel and grabbing Mulder's hand they both rushed out of the chamber that had held them prisoners. Cautiously they walked the corridors of the cave-like building, searching for an exit. Finally they found one, surprised that they hadn't encountered any of Krycek's co-horts. The place seemed deserted. They opened the door and sunlight flooded the building, causing them to shield their eyes from the bright light. Stepping outside they discovered that they were on a tiny island in the middle of nothing but blue water. In the distance they could see land, but nothing close enough to swim to. They were about to scour the island for a boat, when they heard a helicopter overhead. They ran to the side of the building, hiding themselves from view. The helicopter landed and three men stepped out, one of them carrying a briefcase. As they walked closer to the building, Scully and Mulder recognized one of them. "Skinner," they whispered in unison. "Why is he here?" Mulder asked. "Can we trust him?" "I don't know, but I think we'll have to trust him. It might be the only way we'll get off this island," Scully reasoned. "Besides, those other two guys look FBI too. I think I've seen them at the Bureau before." Mulder agreed and they slowly walked towards the three men. Skinner recognized them immediately and ran to them. "Are you guys okay?" he asked, concerned. "Where's Krycek?" "We're fine. How did you know Krycek is here?" Mulder asked. "He contacted me demanding fifty million dollars for your safe return. That's why we're here." Skinner replied. "Held us for ransom, that low-life!" Mulder seethed. "We just escaped. We left him locked up in the dungeon he was keeping us prisoner in," he informed. "Here are the keys." With a nod of his head, Skinner instructed the two FBI agents to pick up Krycek. "I'm going to take these two back," he said, referring to Scully and Mulder, "and send another chopper for you and the prisoner." With that they headed to the waiting helicopter and climbed in. "Thanks for rescuing us," Scully said to Skinner, relieved to be out of that hellhole and on the way home. "I was quite worried about the two of you. I'm glad you're both okay," Skinner said sincerely. "We were worried too. Krycek is a madman," Mulder said, thinking back to all the torture he had put them through. He put his arm around Scully, pulling her close to him. She laid her head on his chest, exhausted. Mulder closed his eyes and thanked God for letting them escape this nightmare relatively unharmed. He didn't know what he would have done, had Krycek forced himself on Scully. The thought sickened him to the core and he pulled her even closer, taking her hand with his free one. She entwined her fingers with his and finally felt totally at peace. Skinner observed their behavior toward each other in silence. He saw their serenity and ease with each other and could tell that this experience had changed something in them. He figured that perhaps this episode had prompted them to share their true feelings and admit to the love that they had for each other. Skinner had seen it for a long time and always wondered when or if they would ever give in to it. He was happy that they had. THE END Hope you enjoyed it! I would be very appreciative of any feedback! Thanks!